Wuhan OIP Trip

Wuhan OIP Trip
Kensays WUHAN~~

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today was the most fun day in this trip so far, we went for games and activity held just next to our school. We joined the MDE students for this activity. While waiting for the MDE students to arrived, we play some warm up games. The warm up game was fun as there were forfeits to play. The forfeits were singing and dancing.
At around 8 30 am those MDE students finally arrived, immediately we were form into 4 groups. We were asked to design our group flag and compose our group cheer. Well Mark was our group leader and he was the one who draw the flag. And our group name was ‘TEAMERS’.
After creating our group, our next was constructing a human tank wheel by just using news paper. We were certainly having a hard time to figure out how can the whole group fits in. Then one of our group came out an idea of folding the papers together and as we move, only one person will give the commands. When we approached the finish line, our ‘track’ broke off and we had to manually fix it on the spot and complete the race. We managed to complete first with almost our entire track intact. Haha good jobs guys.
At around noon, we stopped for lunch break. We went lunch together with the MDE students. We introduce them the famous fish balls near our school. Mr Chua offered us money to treat them fish ball, however we did not accept, because it is not nice to take Mr Chua money, but thanks anyway.
After lunch, the MDE student wanted to visit our dorm, as they want to make a comparison. The moment they entered to our, the first word came out from their mouth was ‘WOW!!!’ They said our dorm was 10 times better than theirs. I was had the impression that their hostel is better than ours.
At around 2 pm, we continued with our high elements activity, after starting off with a small activity. The high element was really chicken fit, it was not really that high. I just climbed up the ladder and jumped down by closing my eyes. The height for this high element was just 3 stories high.
The next activity was the confidence fall, which a person had to fall from the back and the rest of the students had to hold and support he/she at the bottom. It was not that exciting compared to the previous one but it was also a nice game which needs a lot of teamwork too. This activity really shows us what true meaning of teamwork is.
Next was the last activity for the day, it was rock climbing. At first i felt so tired after participate so much activity already. However, when i saw my friends were climbing up there, and me just sitting down cheering for them, it really temps me to climb, thus without any hesitation, i decided to give it a shot. It was hard to hold on to the rocks as my hand and legs are long enough, hardly reach anything. As a result i could only climbed half of the length.
Then at around 6 pm, is time to say good bye to our instructor and those MDE students, before we left, we took a few pictures with the MDE students and give them our best wishes, as they were leaving on the Sunday.
At night, we out the campus for dinner and had a briefing from Mr Chua and Mr Ma. Then we head back to rooms to have good rest.
During the briefing, Mr Chua commented that our discipline for today was pretty bad, firstly we were late for today activity and some of us just walked off before the activity ends. Mr Chua was disappointed with us, as usually we were always well discipline, however today we were abit roundly and totally just forgot our responsibility.
Well, i must admit that we were abit off today, we really disappoint Mr Chua. I hope that we will not repeat this mistake again...

Our Group flag- TEAMERS


My groupmate- Mr Bean

Our 1st activity

Hello TEAMERS here!

The Race begins...

Jugg from MDE visit our dorm

zzz... wating for the next activity under the hot sun...
Confidence falling activity

Rock climbing activity
YO! We are the rock climbers~~~
Thanks for the activity~~ Instructors...
ME and Ian from MDE~~and is also my secondary classmate.

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