Wuhan OIP Trip

Wuhan OIP Trip
Kensays WUHAN~~

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Today was another shopping day, we went to Yellow Crank Tower. Woke up at 9 am, meet up with Ernest, Jit Siong and the rest for breakfast. After our meal, we hire a van to our destination. During the journey to there, we encountered a problem. As we were about to reach our destination, we through a small pavement near the main road, by right is no entry for vehicle; however our driver wanted to take the short cut. Then suddenly there is a car in front of us, going the opposite direction against us. We were caught into a jam and many cars were behind us.
Then conflict began to rise. Our driver gets off the car and scolds that driver that block our way. Both of them keep quarrying and us sitting in the van patiently waiting for the best. Then suddenly our driver burst in anger and took out a huge screw driver and started whacking the person arm. Luckily some of the public quickly separate these two men, if not i think blood may starts to spill out. After our driver has settled with him, he apologises to us and asks us to take a cab to our destination. He told us not to pay him any money; however we pay him half of the price.
Well, our shopping trip still has to continue, we took a cab to the Yellow Crank Tower for shopping. At there, i bought some shirts and bags for my family. We shopped several shopping malls, and saw many things that we like. My friend Jit Siong bought the most stuff. He bought a bag, a wallet and many clothes.
After shopping we decided to go back to our campus, but before we go back, we ate Dang Bao(soup bun) again! haha. The delicious Dang Bao that we can’t find in Singapore, i think i will miss Dang Bao.
At night we went out the campus for dinner. We also went to the shopping mall next to the KFC. At there i bought a PLAYBOY T-shirt and head back to our dorm for rest. The day just ended and 3 more days to go...
I would like to reflect on the thing we encounter during the trip to the Yellow Crank Tower. What causes the two drivers to quarrel? Is it really the reason was he bang on to our driver’s car? Well i personally felt that is the Road system here was causes the problem. The locals here don’t obeys traffic rules at all, they just anyhow turn whenever they want it to. They can even drive in opposite direction lane too. Thus for today’s scenario, the driver went into opposite direction and causes traffic problems. I think the traffic system here should really be more like Singapore, and Singapore is of the most well organize road system in the world.

This is the driver that cause the jam.

We stuck here for like 15mins...
Well... still Dang Bao is the BEST!

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