Wuhan OIP Trip

Wuhan OIP Trip
Kensays WUHAN~~

Friday, March 20, 2009

Learning plan

Learning plan
1. I want to learn more about the people in China, like how they behave, what kind of food they like to eat, their culture, their attitude, their environment, the way they do things and many more.

Why would i want to understand China and its cultural mindset. It is simply simple, because I believe China is the 21st century rising star. Without knowing it well, we are missing our windows of opportuty for the future. I am really curious on how people in other country behave and i don’t want to be a frog in the well.
I already know that, China people are rude and like to cheat, but their clever and innovative, just like you can see in the 2008 Beijing Olympic opening ceremony, it is said the best Olympic opening ceremony in history so far. They really prove that the Chinese can do better than the western.
I really want to find out their mind set and attitude, because i heard many things about China people mind set, they said they have the ‘nothing is impossible’, this really interest me and motivate me.
To learn how they cultivate such mind set and apply back in Singapore.
2. My focus will be on the behaviour on the China people there, because if you know the behaviour of them, it will led to their discipline and attitude. Therefore, from here we can learn more about their culture and how the communicate with each other. From what i know, everything is link, if you know how their behaviour, it should be easier for me to find out their mindset. Thus i am passionate about their lifestyle, because it is really a different lifestyle, compare to us.
3. A. How they react to problems?
B.How do they communicate with one another?
C.Are their determination really is that strong?
D.What type of environment they had.
E. Should you work in China?
4. Firstly is interaction, once you their behaviour and mindset, it is easier to communicate with them. Secondly, business in China, i want to gain some knowledge of how the way the Chinese does business. As we know China markets is growing rapidly and more and more investor came to China to invest. Lastly is, trust in other people. This is one of the most important global skill, and is also the most useful skill in future, especially when doing business in the outside world.
5. Firstly is using research from the internet, this is one of the most useful tools, like information could be easily get from blogs, search engine and of course Wikipedia. Secondly is observation, because action speaks louder than word. Through observation u can judge and determine something. Lastly is watch videos, because watching video require observation and understanding, thus it keeps your mind thinking all the time.

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