Wuhan OIP Trip

Wuhan OIP Trip
Kensays WUHAN~~

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Today it was another enjoyable day , we went to Hubei museum and Yellow Crank Tower . Firstly we went to Hubei lakes to take some beautiful sight seeing . We had a fun time there haha... In Hubei museum we learned many things, we learn about the history of Wuhan China and their artefacts and also the things left in the past . At there i bought souvenir too. It was an artefact that represent time in the Qin dynasty.
After lunch , we went to the Yellow Crank Tower the tower was outstanding and huge , i hardly see such structure in my life . It was like a giant temple in front of me ! It was incredible ! The view there was beatiful man, because it is located high up in the mountain. At there i learn about the history and the myth of the Yellow Crank Tower. It was very interesting to listen to. There were altogether 6 story in this Yellow Crank Tower. The best part in this trip was the top floor, I saw many beautiful scene at the top of the tower . At there we can see Wuhan first bridge and the estate of Wuhan . IT WAS AMAZING!!! Wish you could be there haha...
At night we came back to our dorm and had dinner, everyone of us were exhausted and sleepy. After all we had an enjoyable day...
REFLECTIONSI have learn many things on today tour trip . Now i have some knowledge about Hubei Lake and the history and myth about the great Yellow Crank Tower . I observe that their food are always oily and spicy . Well , many china citizen like spicy food...

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