Wuhan OIP Trip

Wuhan OIP Trip
Kensays WUHAN~~

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Today in the morning we had our usual class, APPG. We did a trial Lab Test for tomorrow Lab test. The trial Lab Test was quite difficult, i spend the whole day doing it, however i managed to run the program. Basically the whole we just did APPG, and revision for tomorrow Lab Test.
At night, after dinner i had a bad news... After we had our meal, we head back to our rooms, then i saw my lap top MSN pop up my brother message, it says ‘Di di(younger brother) please call me back, urgent.’ The moment i saw URGENT this word, cold swear started to roll down my shivering spine. I began to worried, wondering what will happened, i immediately went to Nikkei’s dorm and borrow his hand phone to call back.
The phone rang...”Hello, Kenneth arh? Hello hello you there?” my dad voice. I replied “whats going on, what happen?” Then my dad told me that, my god grandfather has just passed away. Sighed... i kept silence for a moment and asked “How come? ” My dad said, he had cancel and his large intestine was blocked. Then my Mum answered the phone and talked to me. She said, Friday will be the last day of the funeral.
After hearing this bad news, i went back to my room and lied on the bed, thinking of the past that we had together. Then tears started rolling down from my eyes. I can still remember the last time i met him was during Chinese year and he still hold my hands and said i am getting bigger and bigger.
I really missed him very much, rest in peace, my god grandfather.

After knowing my god grandfather has passed away, i started to reflect, what have we did in the past, those good memories. Sighed... i wish i could attend his funeral... I was really sad, however my family told me, this is part and puzzle of life, when is time to go, just let it go...

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