Wuhan OIP Trip

Wuhan OIP Trip
Kensays WUHAN~~

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Today was a super stress day, after finishing Lab6, we have to rush for the last chapter, which is Lab7. We had APPG the whole day, we did both lecture and tutorial at the time. Lab7 was really hard to comprehend, it has a new code called, Array. This Array thing really pissed me off, i gotto kept asking for help. I really don’t understand this topic and the pace we are going was too fast for me. Well, i have to be strong and persevere, only two more weeks to go.
After lesson we ate ‘zhu chao’, we ordered 7 dishes, 2meat, 2vegetables, 2soup and a clay pot. Today the food were fresh and tasty, well, maybe we are lucky, because usually the fish and vegetables were not that fresh.
After dinner we went back to our dorm to finish up our Lab7. We did the task in a group. As in a group we can discuss and solve the problem easily. If u do solo, you can’t really figure out andy thing unless you are really that great.
At around 10 pm we finish our Lab7, we then went out for supper but I did not ate. I just get a can of drink. I bought those drinks that can reduce my heatedness, in Chinese is called ‘lang cha’. The ‘lang cha’ taste really good, after finishing one can, i ran back to the shop and purchase a carton of it, haha i think i might get addicted.
In the dorm, every one of us did Lab7 together, and then i began to feel that friends are really very important. When there is difficulty, one can’t solve the problem for sure, but when everyone comes together, the will and motivation is there.At the first week everyone was like, you do your stuff and i do my thing, totally have no connection. After we had been for quite awhile, our bonding gets stronger. Now we always come of our room and have some chit-chatting before we go to bed.
Haha this rawkz man... woo damm cooling~~

Monday, March 30, 2009

Today lesson starts at 10 am earlier than usual, as yesterday we had BBQ. We had APPG throughout the whole day and we did Lab6. Lab6 was really very difficult, it involve return and private declaration. We spent the whole day just doing Lab6, we were really stress out. After school, our work was still not yet complete. We rush for a quick dinner and head back to dorm immediately. The moment we reached our dorm, we immediately set up our lap top and continue our APPG Lab6. I finish my work at around 11pm, pretty stress huh, haha...
After i finished my worked, Ya Lun came back from outside and announce to us that, Dave got food poisoning and was in the hospital. Everyone of us was shocked and started to ask “HEY! WHAT HAPPEN?”, “Is he alright?”,”How serious?” , “OMG!”...
Well Ya Lun just heard this news from someone, he can’t really tell us in detail. Nothing much too, except for APPG...
After hearing about Dave bad news, i began to think what causes him to get food poisoning. Then BBQ this word came into my mind. Definitely is he ate uncooked food yesterday. The place we had our BBQ last night, has no light, we have to take our torches to light up the place. As a result, you can’t really see whether the food was cooked already or uncooked.Maybe thats how Dave got food poisoning...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Today was a SLACKING DAY, i did not go anywhere, because i not feeling well, having a bad cough. I woke up at around 10 30 am, which is the latest so far haha. My friends went to the IT mall for shopping. I was the only one left in the dorm. In the afternoon i went to the canteen for lunch, i ate fried rice without chilli, ha-ha, can’t take anymore heaty stuff.
In the dorm, i did my laundry, yesterday journal and the plan for my mini project. At around 4pm everyone was back, they bought me a MP4 from the IT mall, which was damm cool man. The price is even more cool, it is just 235 RMB(55 sing), IT IS DAMM CHEAP FOR A 4 GB MP4! I was very happy, then the next moment, Mr Chua called us to get ready and proceed to BBQ with those Wuhan students.
The BBQ location is just next to our school. First we set up the barbecue pit, it was so difficult to set up without a fire starter. In order to set up the fire, we gotto plug dry grasses from the garden there just to replace the fire starter. What worse still was, our group was the last to set up the barbecue pit. Everyone was tired and yet we still have to barbecue the food. When the sun set, we have to flash our torches to barbecue the food, if not it will be total darkness, you don’t even know whether the food is cooked or uncooked. However, we still enjoyed this BBQ with the China students, we eat and drink together happily.
At night, my friends and i were still hungry. We decided to eat fishball again, haha. We the to the fishball restaurant again, this time round we did not ordered as much as usual. Then after the meal we head back to our dorm. Well nothing much today, we spent half the day resting in the room and now my cough is getting better.
The MP4 that my friends bought for me was really cheap. Although is brandless, the quality is there. It could played movies and music, and the sound quality is perfectly fine, it is really worth buying. Come on a 4 GB MP4 just for 55 Sing dollars...At the BBQ, i realised that the place we had our barbecue was a deserted park. There were gardens, playground, ponds and running tracks. When the sky goes dark, it was quite creepy there, as there is no street lamp. It was like total darkness.

HAha...My New MP4, worth just only 55 Sing dollars!
BBQ, Good =)
Everyone busy barbecue barbecue barbecue...
The lake just beside our BBQ. Waaa so beautiful...
Yummy Yummy chicken wings. I like, I like...
Yeah, finally is the weekend of the 4th week of this trip. Today we went to Hankou for shopping! Actually we are not going for shopping; today trip is viewing Wuhan first bridge. Due to the bad weather, we gotto cancelled our usual plan.
We walked along the wet, slippery road, soaking in the freezing cold rain. Luckily I brought my rain coat along with me. Firstly we went for lunch. We ate fast food at there. After having our meal we head for SHOPPING!
There were many shops along the streets, brands like Nike, Adidas, Keppa, and their local brand, PEAK, ME&CITY and some fake imitation, haha. We shopped from 12 noon to 3pm, I bought many stuff, oh ya, I bought something for my mum too, I brought her a ME&CITY coat, WHICH WORTH 150…….YUAN, nia not in sing dollar ha-ha.
After shopping in hankou street, the tour guide asked us whether we still want to have more shopping. Well half of the group wanted to shop some more and the remaining half wanted to slack in their dorm.
We went to a shopping centre where is near to the Yellow Crank Tower. In the shopping centre, most of the shops sell fake brand stuff, like porter, LV and GUUGI. Most of my friends bought the porter bags and some bought shoes. As the shoes there are damm cheap.
Then at night we went to eat SOUP BUN again, this time round the soup bun is tastier than the previous time we ate at our school there. We also ate foods at the Wu Chang Street, the entire street sells food. However the food there was so oily till u hardly taste the food, ha-ha.
Then after dinner we took a cab back to our school and attend a short briefing for Mr Chua and Mr Ma. I really enjoy my day, because it was a shopping day…
The weather hasn't been so cold since 3 weeks ago. The weather today is horrible. It was so chilling, everyone were freezing. In addition, the heavy rain makes it worst. As we didn’t expect that the temperature went down to less than 10 degree Celsius, we did not put on enough warm clothing. As a result, we were extremely cold and uncomfortable. And some went to buy jackets during today Han Kou shopping trip.

Hello Han Kou.

Group photo in Han Kou.

Me at the shopping streets.

Nights in Han Kou.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Today was special, we had no lesson, but we had an industrial visit. We went to a fibre optic cable company. At there we learned many things; we learn the process of how the fibre optic was made and what are the raw materials required.
There is a speaker there explaining to us the process of the fibre optic cable. Luckily there is Mr Chua translating for us. As the speaker is a Chinese he tends to speak in a form of the locals which ‘WE, couldn’t catch it. Mr Chua was a PRO translator; he really explained exactly what that speaker had said.
The company was huge and their industrial facilities were World class standard. The speaker told us that in the laboratory they minimize the level of dust to its lowest possibility. There were many machines and computers in the laboratory. The whole place was spacious and clean of course.
It was a 30 minutes exhibit although i know there is still more to be discover. We took a group photo before we leave the place. We took the school bus back to our school for lunch.
After lunch, we return to our dorm for revision, because at 4pm we will have a test. In the dorm we really study very hard. Then at 4 pm we sat for the test, it was pretty tough, but i still manage to do it. After the test, we went for dinner and is raining, everyone of us were soaked in the rain, haha.
At the industrial trip, i learn many stuff about optic fibre. Basically, Optic fibre is used to make wire which conduct electricity. Optic fibre is considered a best material used for making wire compared to copper etc. Hence, the prices for it are also high.
The person-in-charge explained to us the processes of manufacturing the Optic fibre. The main point is that the equipments and materials etc must be clean for good production. Optic fibre really is a good investment and somemore is in China. You know before i came to here i was expecting a high tech and high class building in China, finally i saw it. YEAH!

The company name...

waa look at this.
These are the cables.
Cheese* Look at Mr Ma, soo handsome.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Today in the morning we had no APPG lesson, because Mr Ma was not feeling well. Then Mr Chua took over the class if IS instead. During is class, we do our daily journey blogging, as Mr Chua wanted us to post till yesterday journey.
After lunch, we had back our APPG, as Mr Ma was feeling better. We did revision for tomorrow theory test. Mr Ma flashed a past year paper on the projector and write the answers on a piece of blank sheet. Then at 4 pm Mr Ma began going through the answers.
At night after dinner, we went back to our rooms to check our next sem timetable, haha, those who went this trip are in the same class, I was really happy about it. Yeah! Class 2B1 my next sem class.
Today during IS lesson, I realise Mr Chua was very serious towards this module. At one time he walked around the class and noticing us doing APPG, he began to felt irritated. He said to us he can fail your IS module, so you gotto be serious. Well this is my first time seeing Mr Chua getting so serious.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Today in the morning we had our usual lesson, APPG, we did Lab 5. Lab 5 was interesting, because you can save your data in the program by using filestreamReader and filestreamWriter. Lab 5 was really challenging.
After classes, we decided to went out of school for dinner. We went to eat Dan Bao ‘Soup Bun’. We ordered 7 sets of Dan Bao, 2 sets of seafood ones, 2 sets of meat ones, 2 sets of vegetables ones and a set of sweet corns one. The Dan Bao were yummy and delicious, especially when u take a bite on the bun and the soup in the bun just ooze out. If you are not careful, you might burned your tongue.
After dinner we are still not full yet, thus we went to the opposite road to get some food. At there, there are many road side stall selling oily food ha-ha. I bought SMELLY TOFU! HAHA! First time trying it. It taste good man, it is so crispy, but very oily. Well in Singapore you rarely could find smelly tofu...
Today I really want to reflect about smelly tofu. It is smelly, definitely, but it is tasty. Some may can’t stand the smell. Well it is simply like durians, some may can’t take the smell, but to some, the smell is like fragrant to them, is like smelly a delicious Cao Kway Tao. Smelly tofu is really worth trying, it is so crispy and delicious. Glad that I try something that I can’t try in Singapore.
Yummy, yummy! Soup Bun.
hello me having soup bun in Wuhan...
Today is a fresh new day, in the morning before class, i prayed to my god grandfather. Well this is life, can’t be forever sad.
In class we did our Lab Test, it was pretty tricky and quite difficult. Well i managed to run the program without any errors ha-ha. I spent more than a hour doing though. After lunch, we had APPG again and we did Lab 5. We also plan our topic for our mini project.
After classes we went out for basketball, we played for like 2 hours. Then we straight head to the canteen for dinner. After dinner we return to our room and do our own stuff, nothing much today.
Today test i think i did quite well, because i could run the program. Thus i passing this lab shouldn’t be a problem.
Today in the morning we had our usual class, APPG. We did a trial Lab Test for tomorrow Lab test. The trial Lab Test was quite difficult, i spend the whole day doing it, however i managed to run the program. Basically the whole we just did APPG, and revision for tomorrow Lab Test.
At night, after dinner i had a bad news... After we had our meal, we head back to our rooms, then i saw my lap top MSN pop up my brother message, it says ‘Di di(younger brother) please call me back, urgent.’ The moment i saw URGENT this word, cold swear started to roll down my shivering spine. I began to worried, wondering what will happened, i immediately went to Nikkei’s dorm and borrow his hand phone to call back.
The phone rang...”Hello, Kenneth arh? Hello hello you there?” my dad voice. I replied “whats going on, what happen?” Then my dad told me that, my god grandfather has just passed away. Sighed... i kept silence for a moment and asked “How come? ” My dad said, he had cancel and his large intestine was blocked. Then my Mum answered the phone and talked to me. She said, Friday will be the last day of the funeral.
After hearing this bad news, i went back to my room and lied on the bed, thinking of the past that we had together. Then tears started rolling down from my eyes. I can still remember the last time i met him was during Chinese year and he still hold my hands and said i am getting bigger and bigger.
I really missed him very much, rest in peace, my god grandfather.

After knowing my god grandfather has passed away, i started to reflect, what have we did in the past, those good memories. Sighed... i wish i could attend his funeral... I was really sad, however my family told me, this is part and puzzle of life, when is time to go, just let it go...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yeah! Day 2 of Wu Dang Trip, in the morning we checked out from the hotel and went for breakfast. After breakfast, we entered Wu Dang Mountain again. Today we are going to the peak of the mountain. Mr Chua has plan for us a cable car ride up to the peak.
Just before we could reach the peak of the mountain, we had to queue for two hour. The queue there was fully packs with people and many things happened while queuing for the cable car. One of it was their famous culture, ‘Cutting queue’! We saw two old ladies saying that their tour group was in front of us, and they just jumped into the queue. Mr Chua was just right in front of them; i remembered i saw Mr Chua was dam piss about it. Luckily our tour guide help us out, she really fought all the way. She shouted ‘if everyone said that our tour group is in front, then there won’t be people queuing up!’ Then a guard came in and solve the dispute. Ha-ha, we scolded them too, Dave said ‘You Disgraceful ugly people!’ well that was funny.
Finally after waiting for two hours we finally sat the cable car. Wow in the cable car the view was incredible. As it gets higher my legs started to shake vigorously i never experience such thing before, it was so damm high la...
After a boarding the cable car we went up to the highest peak of Wu Dang Mountain. The view there was indescribable. You can see clouds and below your feet. There is a temple up the hill where the many willing worshipper worship the gods there. They really climbed all the way up the Mountain just for this.
After viewing the beautiful scene of Wu Dang Mountain at its peak, is time to say GOOD-BYE Wu Dang! We sat the cable car again and went down the Mountain. I really enjoyed myself in Wu Dang especially going up to peak of the mountain.
While queuing up for the cable car, this China old lady wanted to cut our queue, luckily our tour guide help us out. She really argues till the guards came in and settle the problems. Well i was expecting this in China, because when i am in Singapore, we attended a brief before we came here. One the lecture mentioned cutting queue in China is very common. Ha-ha jus as what i expected.One more thing i wanted to reflect was the journey back to school. It was a SEVEN HOURS journey to our school. During this long journey we listen to music and sing in the bus too. The worst part of the is bus ride is, the bus entering in a opposite direction single lane. The driver is can drive smoothly i really had nothing to say...
The map of Wudang PEAK.
Cable cars!
look at how steep the stairs is...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Finally we are going to mountain of Wushu martial art, Wu dang Mountain. We woke up at 6am and took a 6 hours bus ride to there. I slept throughout the journey, until we had lunch. The fun part began when we reach Wu dang Mountain. The first thing i saw there was a ‘Pa Gua’ logo. This was the Taoism symbol. I was really excited, when we are queuing up for the bus ride up to the Wu dang Mountain.
Wu dang Mountain have different section, just like our Sentosa got fort siloso, underwaterworld, panglawa beach and many more. We first went to the ‘Tai Zi Po’, the price chamber where the ‘FU LU SHOU’, the god of wealth (FU), the god of Fortune (LU), the god of longevity (SHOU), was worshipped at. The temple was very ancient and unique.
Next we went to another temple call, ‘Jie Yu Fu Di’, sorry i don’t know to convert in English. This is the place where prince had its pet call, ‘Pi Chang’, it has a body of a turtle and has a head of a dragon. On its shell, there is a long wooden plate connected to it, this wooden plate is placed by the prince. This ancient animal was unique and i really like it, ha-ha.
Next we went to the temple of ‘Fu Mo Tian Zhang’, fulfiller temple. In this temple, people worship the heavenly father and the heavenly mother. People who worship these two gods are people that want to give blessing to their parents. I also went in to pray, praying for my parents for blessing.
Lastly before we end our day 1 trip in Wu Dang Mountain, we took the bus up to another temple called, ‘Xuan Ti Dian’ where the biggest god in Taoism was worshipped at. The moment i step in the temple, i finally saw some Wu Dang Martial, i a group of children having their training. The coach is very strict, he is very fierce too. Their training is tough and really requires lots of discipline.
After dinner, we checked to a hotel. The hotel was not bad seriously, it has everything we need and the bed was comfortable too. However, the hotel is spooky and creepy, especially at the corridor. I don’t know why also, just got that feeling. Well after all i had a good night sleep.
One i am really speechless is the bus ride up to the mountain. The driver skill is really impressive, road on the mountain is really narrow and had many bends, some more it is a two way single lane. Just imaging two buses, Not car, are heading head to head in a two way lane at a certain speed, not fast and not SLOW either. Wow i tell you man the experience in the bus was really a speechless one. Their judgement of the distance was really good, and their breaking skill was skilful too. I observe the temple were very ancient and dark, but not creepy. Some of my friends may felt spooky and wired, well to me it is nothing, because in Singapore i often went to temples for prayer, thus from what i know, people thought that temples that are dark are usually more holy, that’s what they believe. Just like in Nepal, their temples are dark as well.
Wu Dang Mountain here i come!

The temple of the biggest GOD in TAOISM.

This is the prince's pet, sooo cute.

Blessing for my parents...

Wu Dang PRO FIGHTERS!(Me and Cris)

Me and Gen at the Grand temple.
Mr Ma SI FU!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Today in the morning we had our usual lesson, we did Lab4, it is really challenge, especially the enhancement part exercise. It really tore me off, seriously. I spent the whole lesson doing just only the enhancement part, however at the end of the day i mange to run the program, ha-ha...
After lesson, we went to our rooms and started to do our IS project. We did a few slides and head for dinner. After dinner, my mum called me. I really happy to hear my mum voice. I really miss my family and home. My mum keeps asking me to drink more water and put on more clothing. Well, all mothers are always caring.
After the phone, we for Mr Chua short briefing, it was about tomorrow Wu Dang mountain trip. Jus right after the briefing, i went to my room and started doing packing, because we are staying there for one night. I am really excited on this trip.

During the briefing, Mr Chua said something that inspired me. He said, do the right thing although others are doing the wrong thing. Well Mr Chua is trying to tell us, do not carry a revengeful heart in this trip, like example, today everyone waited for group 1 then the next day others group purposely takes their own sweet time and wanted group 1 to wait just like how they waited for group 1.Therefore i really think this sentence said by Mr Chua, really teaches us some good character skill and at the same time Mr Chua also wanted us to be united. Ha-ha, well said Mr Chua.

Learning plan

Learning plan
1. I want to learn more about the people in China, like how they behave, what kind of food they like to eat, their culture, their attitude, their environment, the way they do things and many more.

Why would i want to understand China and its cultural mindset. It is simply simple, because I believe China is the 21st century rising star. Without knowing it well, we are missing our windows of opportuty for the future. I am really curious on how people in other country behave and i don’t want to be a frog in the well.
I already know that, China people are rude and like to cheat, but their clever and innovative, just like you can see in the 2008 Beijing Olympic opening ceremony, it is said the best Olympic opening ceremony in history so far. They really prove that the Chinese can do better than the western.
I really want to find out their mind set and attitude, because i heard many things about China people mind set, they said they have the ‘nothing is impossible’, this really interest me and motivate me.
To learn how they cultivate such mind set and apply back in Singapore.
2. My focus will be on the behaviour on the China people there, because if you know the behaviour of them, it will led to their discipline and attitude. Therefore, from here we can learn more about their culture and how the communicate with each other. From what i know, everything is link, if you know how their behaviour, it should be easier for me to find out their mindset. Thus i am passionate about their lifestyle, because it is really a different lifestyle, compare to us.
3. A. How they react to problems?
B.How do they communicate with one another?
C.Are their determination really is that strong?
D.What type of environment they had.
E. Should you work in China?
4. Firstly is interaction, once you their behaviour and mindset, it is easier to communicate with them. Secondly, business in China, i want to gain some knowledge of how the way the Chinese does business. As we know China markets is growing rapidly and more and more investor came to China to invest. Lastly is, trust in other people. This is one of the most important global skill, and is also the most useful skill in future, especially when doing business in the outside world.
5. Firstly is using research from the internet, this is one of the most useful tools, like information could be easily get from blogs, search engine and of course Wikipedia. Secondly is observation, because action speaks louder than word. Through observation u can judge and determine something. Lastly is watch videos, because watching video require observation and understanding, thus it keeps your mind thinking all the time.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Today in the morning we had our usual routine, we had APPG lesson in class we submitted Lab3 the Burger Ordering System. After lunch, we started Lab4 which is so much tougher because it involve many calculation, strings and Focus. However, after look through some examples, i manage to beat the odds and submitted my Lab4 before lesson end.
Today i had an early dinner; i ate fried rice with addition egg. At first i thought it was 5 Yuan, and then the stall vendor said with additional egg is 6 Yuan. Then i said ya fine just go ahead. Come on whats 1 Yuan, 20 cents sing!? Ha-ha of course i would just order man, its damm cheap.
At night i felt hungry and decide to buy cup noodles. Haha not only i am the hungry in the house, my roommate were hungry too. We both went out the campus and buy cup noodles. We really enjoy our noodles and this is my first time eating cup noodles in Wuhan...


I observe that nowadays is getting hotter and hotter, is like the temperature of Singapore at night. I really don’t like it because i was expecting snow when i came here. Now it getting hotter... sigh. I some more bring so many winter clothing... i hope Wuhan gets colder again, ha-ha.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Today morning we had a China lecturer conducts a lecture called, Business Strategies and Business Etiquette. It was an interesting lesson because i am attending a lesson that is not related to my course and some more is business topic.
Starting of lecture may be boring, because i am feeling sleeping. Why i am sleepy? Because the night before we played poker the whole night. However, after the 1st toilet break, the lecture began to be interesting, because it is talking about how interact with your customer and guest. It also talks about what should you do in the different scenario given and how can you reaction in such circumstances.
The lecturer explanations was good, he really elaborate every point clearly. He also used many examples to explain his point, because business strategies really involve much social skill and that makes the lesson interesting.
After his lesson, we went for lunch and then attend the afternoon lesson. During the afternoon lesson we did a summary of what we have learned in the morning. We finish at 3pm which is early than usual, because Mr. Chua wanted us to visit Wuhan IT mall. He want us to make a comparison in prices compared with our local IT mall, Sim Lim Square.
We took 907 bus to reach there, it was a hour trip. The IT mall was big and they do sell many stuff. There are also other IT shops beside the IT mall. we just shop till 6pm, because that’s the time that all shop must be close. Well, there’s not really much things there, however i still enjoyed myself there.
In the 1st half of the day i learned the behaviour of a business man during the lesson. It was interesting, because it involve lots of social skill, which i like. This lesson also taught me some basic manners too, and some psychological skill as well.
Here is one example i like the most, what should you do if you see someone at a business event that you have met before, but you can’t remember their name? Ignore that person? Nah, haha, well is simply just introduce yourself, apologize for not remembering their name but say where you met them before. This is really a way of doing business.
In the next half of the day, we went to Wuhan so called ‘Singapore Sim Lim Square’. I realized that the price there is around the same as in Singapore, not much different and some is even more expensive especially those international brand, like SONY, LG, SAMSUNG and etc. however the pricing could still be lowered down further or even lower as low as 50%.
Well I personally felt, I would rather buy those stuff in Singapore IT fare, because you see, the pricing is around the same and in IT fare you could have free gift. Plus if u buy in Singapore, the warranty deal is so much better, example if I bought a LG monitor I could have 3 years warranty ON SIDE whereas if I buy in the Wuhan IT mall, it only has a warranty and some more is OFF SIDE.
Lastly just to add on I am LG monitor sales promoter, thus I know the market of IT stuff very well.

Today early in the morning we had no lesson, but we had a trip to a visit in the steel industry. We took a one hour bus to reach there. At there we saw how the steel is being processed. Firstly it comes in form of one hot lava bar and then it is send for cooling the steel bar with water. It needs to go through several cooling stages, because the temperature of the steel bar is as high as thousands degree C, it is freaky hot! You when we view the process at a high ground, we could actually feel the intense heat burning at our face. I dare to wear my spec’s, because i am afraid my lenses might melt haha...
In the industry, it was hot and noise, when the hot steel is brought from one place to another place, it creates loud rolling noises. Although the heat is intensely hot, i am still grateful that i had a chance to visit such activity, because you hardly get a chance to visit industry, factory, workshop and etc.
At around 2 pm, Mr Chua alight us at LuHan Guan Chang shopping mall, however we did not went for shopping because we were exhausted by the long journey, instead we went back to school for lunch.
After lunch we had our usual lesson, APPG. At night we played pokers, haha, it was really fun. Instead of playing with money, we played push up and sit up. We played till 11pm and lights off.

In today’s visit, i witnessed how steel is made and process, from raw material to steel. I also learn how they calculate for the steel to cool down. They splashed cold water on to the steel bar several times. This is my first time witnessing the processing of the steel, i am really glad that i could see it live.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Today in the morning we had our usual lesson, we did lab2 during lesson. The fun part for today is at night. We had a party with the China students. We sing and dance with them and had a wonderful time together.
The china students set up food and drink for us, and ofcourse their performance too. One of their students could sing very well and she is pretty too. She is really like a pop stars. Some of them also know how to dance well too.
We also got performances for them as well, my group perform singing. We sang one of Jay Chou famous song ‘Ann Jing’. We sang with our heart and soul out. I really enjoy the time there; we also dance and sing with the china students.
The environment there is every relaxing is like those KTV club. Is really a very good place for chit chatting. I make a lot of new friends in this party and i get to know more of their culture through the conversation we had. I also had their number too, although it is embarrassing when asking them for it. However i really enjoy this party especially when Mr Chua and another teacher from them sang ‘friend’, as we sang we hold hand to hand with our friends and also the friends from china.
During this party i observe the china students attitude. Whenever they were asked up to the stage, they don t felt nervous or shy at all, it like very normal for them, whereas we locals will feel shy and nervous.When they perform for us, they are filled with confidents and ready for it, unlike us messing things around and not as daring as them.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Finally is time to say goodbye to three gorges. In the morning we had our last meal in the ship and at around 9 am we head back to school. It was a boring FIVE hour trip back to our school. Well for me is not really that boring, because i slept throughout the whole journey, haha...
At around 3pm we finally reached our school, we felt so hungry and restless. We immediately went to the canteen for lunch. At night dinner i suggested to my friends, fish ball where is located near our school. At there, there were many fish ball restaurant, however we heard Mr Ma told us one of the restaurant is pretty good, therefore we went to the one that Mr Ma suggest to us. It was really delicious and the quantity of the food is a lot too. We really enjoy our dinner there; their fish ball is really delicious, and is also very cheap. It is really very different form Singapore.
REFLECTIONSAt the fish ball restaurant, i realise that their rice is free. You can keep asking for rice, whereas in Singapore if u ask for another bowl of rice, they charges you or if u ask for more rice they also charge you. What i think is, maybe Singapore rice is more expensive because all of our local rice is imported from other county, therefore they had to charge us for more rice.

This is one of my greatest day, visiting three gorges really inspired me. I never saw such great view in my life. The mountains were as high as a giant. The river is endless and the mountains are countless. I took lots of picture during the trip. We also had a ride in the small boat where those villagers roll the boat for us. That was really a great experience, because it really look like we are going for an adventure. What’s more i get to taste the water of the three gorges. We look tiny in the boat, because so many giant mountains were around us.
At night we went to Bai Ti Chang where the romance of the three kingdom artifacts where kept. We took a long stairs to reach the destiny, it was very tiring, but after all once you reach the top, you actually find it is worth it, because you get to know many historical things about the three kingdom. Finally at night we return to our room and enjoy the beautiful scene outside the ship. It was really an once a life time experience. Really had a great time there.
REFLECTIONSI am inspired by those villagers at river near one of the gorges where we need to alight the ferry and sit the small boat. The reason why i was inspired was, they were not young, and some are even older than my parents. They use their own strength to push the boat and roll the boat. What’s more they only earned 35 yuan per day, which is like 8 dollars sing? I really respect them, and should learn from them.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Yeah finally it is weekend; we are going to the beautiful three gorges. Fill with excitement, we aboard the bus and set off to three gorges. In the afternoon we finally reached three gorges it was beautiful and amazing, however we had not aboard the ship yet. We went to the dams to have sightseeing and learn more about the dam, like what is the benefits and uses. It was a beautiful place for photo taking. At night after dinner, we finally aboard the ship, we were really excited and the weather on that night is freezing cold. The room of the ship is not that bad after all...haha it was better than what i expect.

Today at the dam, i learn the history of the dam and its benefits. The dam is really useful as it can generate electricity and agriculture too. I also observe many tunnels and bridges were built in our journey. I began to think how they build it because is mountain everywhere and it is too dangerous to build at such condition. Well it was really amazing.

Today was a raining day, it was freezing cold and windy too. We ran as fast as we could for classes, so as to get so wet. In class we started our lab2 excise; it was really tougher than excise 1. I had some difficulties in it tough.
After classes we to the club house for basketball. We played with the student of Wuhan University. It was really a turf match, because they are really strong in playing basketball. However we manage to win them by some points, we overcome our fear and keep pushing never give up. I m very proud that we won the match, i really put in a lot of effort for this game, haha i scored the highest point. What an achievement.
Today i observe the way china people played basketball. I realise they are quite rough and quick. Their defence are tight and aggressive. Really respect their fighting spirit.
Today my group had present the history of Wuhan and Singapore to the class. Overall i find our presentation was pretty good, we did not just read from the text, we got further elaborate the point itself.
Today we had an early release, we went to play basketball and soccer haha... It was really fun and i sweat alot too. After playing basketball, we went for dinner. Then after dinner when we return to our room, we saw our bunk mates celebrating one of their classmate birthday. We saw them bought a large cake, then he ask us to join them. We felt happy and brotherly. We sang happy birthday song for him and ate the cake, really had a enjoyable time.

REFLECTIONSToday at the cake shop, i bought two chocolate cakes. I realise that their cake taste is really different from our local cakes taste. Their cake is softer and sweeter. Maybe they did not put as much flour than our locals.

Today we had our first APPG lesson it was really fun, its like an advance stage of C programming. Moreover i just had my C program this sem, thus it should be easy for me to cope with this module. After school we KFC again for dinner haha... while we are enjoying our meal, suddenly there’s a blackout. The whole KFC turns dark, we barely see until our food, what an experience. After dinner we return to our hostile and did our tutorial.
REFLECTIONSToday i learn about APPG, what is it about and how can we apply in our everyday life. This module can be easy and difficult. If u are unsure with the codes u may find it difficult, well overall it is still ok...
In the morning we went for lesson, it was about the history of Hubei and Wuhan. I learn many things during this lecture. I learned their past, culture and the food they ate. It was quite boring though because it was too early haha...Well at least i know Hubei and Wuhan better. In the afternoon we had our IS lesson, we did a summary on what we have learned in the morning. At night we went to orientate the club house jus right beside our hostile. The facilities there are great, just like in Singapore.

REFLECTIONSToday i saw two men outside of our classroom playing table tennis. Wow they are good man, they play like professionals, really very skilful. Well, China is always good at table tennis, just like in the Olympics, China always achieve gold in both men and women category. Really is no fight for them.
Today is a free and own target day ! In the morning i went to played basketball together with my friends. We did some exercise too . We finally perspired today haha... In the late afternoon we went to Wuhan night market for shopping! It was so crowded there, i saw everybody were pushing through their way out. It was really a crowded place. We saw many fake branded goods stuff at there. It very real and the design is exactly like the same. At around 8pm plus we went back to KFC where is near our school for dinner. It was really an enjoyable day haha...
We went to the night market by private vans not using public transport. I was seated at the front seat where is the driver seat in Singapore. I observe their driving style, i was fabricated. The way they drive right, is like keep trying to overtake the vehicle in front of you otherwise they will honk you. It was a good experience for me because i also had a driving licence in Singapore . I can learn some of their driving skill too especially their judgement of distance of their vehicle and other cars in between. Haha i saw the driver doing lane change when there is two care already occupied the lane in front of him is like three car in two lanes. Somemore i m seating at my own local driver seat which is the right side of the vehicle. Really learn a lot in today own time own target day.

Today it was another enjoyable day , we went to Hubei museum and Yellow Crank Tower . Firstly we went to Hubei lakes to take some beautiful sight seeing . We had a fun time there haha... In Hubei museum we learned many things, we learn about the history of Wuhan China and their artefacts and also the things left in the past . At there i bought souvenir too. It was an artefact that represent time in the Qin dynasty.
After lunch , we went to the Yellow Crank Tower the tower was outstanding and huge , i hardly see such structure in my life . It was like a giant temple in front of me ! It was incredible ! The view there was beatiful man, because it is located high up in the mountain. At there i learn about the history and the myth of the Yellow Crank Tower. It was very interesting to listen to. There were altogether 6 story in this Yellow Crank Tower. The best part in this trip was the top floor, I saw many beautiful scene at the top of the tower . At there we can see Wuhan first bridge and the estate of Wuhan . IT WAS AMAZING!!! Wish you could be there haha...
At night we came back to our dorm and had dinner, everyone of us were exhausted and sleepy. After all we had an enjoyable day...
REFLECTIONSI have learn many things on today tour trip . Now i have some knowledge about Hubei Lake and the history and myth about the great Yellow Crank Tower . I observe that their food are always oily and spicy . Well , many china citizen like spicy food...